"Respectful dialogue, in the interest of searching for more complete truth, is considerably more productive than arguing for the purity of position." - Gerard Vanderhaar

Δευτέρα 21 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Presentations and Audio of speakers - World congress on Probation

SOURCE| World Congress on Probation:

The second plenary refers to Restorative Justice. 

[...]Plenary: Restorative Justice
Chair: Iuliana Carbunaru, Director, Ministry of Justice, Romania
Ivo Aertsen, Professor of Criminology at KU Leuven and Director of the KU Leuven Institute of Criminology, Belgium

B - Restorative JusticeChair: Dr. Annemieke Wolthuis, Senior Researcher at Verwey-Jonker Institute and Vice-Chair of the European Forum for Restorative Justice

'The Effects of European International Cooperation on Regional Developments in the Field of Restorative Justice'
Jo Tein, Managing Director, Schleswig-Holstein Association for Social Responsibility in Criminal Justice, Germany
Powerpoint presentation   

'The Engagement of Long Term Prisoners in Preparing for Resettlement in Northern Ireland’
Hugh Campbell and Tim Chapman, Restorative Practices Programme, University of Ulster, Ireland
Powerpoint presentation   

C - Values and principlesChair: Rob Canton, Professor at De Montfort University, UK

'Social work values in the Belgian Houses of Justice' [session in French]
Annie Devos, Director General, Ministry of Justice, Belgium
PowerPoint presentation     

'Working Alliance in One-to-One Supervision'
Anneke Menger, Lecturer at Faculty of Society & Law and Andrea Donker, Lecturer at Research Centre for Social Innovation, HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, the Netherlands
PowerPoint presentation  

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